As we mention Your name, oh Lord
The blind see, the deaf hear,
the lame walk, demons flee, the sick are healed
As we proclaim Your mighty name
Our lands and waters are healed to their depths
And cleansed from sin
Our nations are liberated from satan’s grip and rule
Your name, Lord Jesus
Is awesome in all the earth
And it is all powerful
Your wonderful acts are seen everywhere
To You, all knees shall bow
And tongues confess
Your name, Lord Jesus
Is awesome in all the earth
And it is all powerful
Your wonderful acts are seen everywhere
To You, all knees shall bow
And tongues confess, “You’re Lord”
As thee wave of Your glorious presence
Sweeps across the earth
There is healing and salvation everywhere
The nations are coming together
in their large numbers and gatherings
Unto You Lord
For Your praise and worship
The earth is ours, and the fullness thereof
Your name, Lord Jesus
Is awesome in all the earth
And it is all powerful
Your wonderful acts are seen everywhere
To You, all knees shall bow
And tongues confess
Your name, Lord Jesus
Is awesome in all the earth
And it is all powerful
Your wonderful acts are seen everywhere
To You, all knees shall bow
And tongues confess, “You’re Lord”
Your name is the biggest, Your name is the greatest
Every knee shall bow and tongues confess, “You’re Lord”