The holy lamb of God
You came from above to save mankind
You were slain for the sins of the whole world

From the grave, You rose in victory
You triumphed over the world
Lord, You ascended bodily

Whosoever believes in You
Should not perish but have eternal life

Worthy are You Lamb of God
To receive glory and honour
The whole field You bought with Your blood
Yes, the whole world belongs to You

Worthy are You Lamb of God
To receive glory and honour
The whole field You bought with Your blood
Yes, the whole world belongs to You

As the heir of all things
Lord, in You, all treasures we have

In Your name, we possess the nations
There’s no nation for sale anymore
Oh, so great is Your victory
Lord, in Your victorious name

More than conquerors we are
Blessed be Your holy name

Worthy are You Lamb of God
To receive glory and honour
The whole field You bought with Your blood
Yes, the whole world belongs to You

Worthy are You Lamb of God
To receive glory and honour
The whole field You bought with Your blood
Yes, the whole world belongs to You

The Resurrection and the Life
The Lion of the tribe of Judah
You are Lord over everything
Your dominion is forevermore

Worthy are You Lamb of God
To receive glory and honour
The whole field You bought with Your blood
Yes, the whole world belongs to You

Worthy are You Lamb of God
To receive glory and honour
The whole field You bought with Your blood
Yes, the whole world belongs to You

The whole field You bought with Your blood
Yes, the whole world belongs to You
The whole field You bought with Your blood
Yes, the whole world belongs to You

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