Mighty God, The Creator of all things
The riches of Your glory are everlasting
Holy God, The beauty of all ages
You gave Your all for mankind for Your glory

Mighty God, The Creator of all things
The riches of Your glory are everlasting
Holy God, The beauty of all ages
You gave Your all for mankind for Your glory

You’re the way, the truth, and the life
The Saviour of the world
The joy of heaven and the awe of the earth
The soon-coming King
You in us, the hope of glory

The Father’s promise fulfilled
Lord, You took our place, and became sin
Now we are Your righteousness
Holy Lamb of God

Blessed be the Lamb, who was slain
To receive wisdom, riches and glory
And power and praise forever

Worthy are You Lord, Who sits on the throne
Blessed be the King of honour and might
Hallelujah, You’re exalted forever
Glory to Your name

Majesty, The embodiment of deity
You reign through all eternity, exalted on high
Far above principalities and power
Dominion might and every name
In this world and that to come

You’re the way, the truth, and the life
The Saviour of the world
The joy of heaven and the awe of the earth
The soon-coming King

You is us, the hope of glory
The Father’s promise fulfilled
Lord, You took our place, and became sin
Now we are Your righteousness, Holy lamb of God

Blessed be the Lamb, who was slain
To receive wisdom, riches and glory
And power and praise forever

Worthy are You Lord, Who sits on the throne
Blessed be the King of honour and might
Hallelujah, You’re exalted forever
Glory to Your name

Hallelujah, Lord You are great
Glory, glory, to the God of our praise
Holy Lamb on the throne, You’re forever

Hallelujah, Lord You are great
Glory, glory, to the God of our praise
Holy Lamb on the throne, You’re forever

Blessed be the Lamb, who was slain
To receive wisdom, riches and glory
And power and praise forever

Worthy are You Lord, Who sits on the throne
Blessed be the King of honour and might
Hallelujah, You’re exalted forever
Glory to Your name

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