On a silent night in Bethlehem’s glow
A child was born, the world would know
In a manger lay the promised King,
Heaven rejoiced, and the Angels sang

Shepherds heard the Angel’s voice,
“Fear not, behold, in Him rejoice!”
Wise men came with gifts to bring,
Worshipping Christ, our Lord and King

Oh, what a night, a holy night
The Saviour came to end our plight
Peace on earth, good news to all men
The King is born, salvation’s come

Oh, what a night, a holy night
The Saviour came to end our plight
Peace on earth, good news to all men
The King is born, salvation’s come
Oh what a holy night

Glory to God, His love made known
through the Lord Jesus Christ, our Cornerstone

A humble birth, a holy flame
The world redeemed by His great name

Oh, what a night, a holy night
The Saviour came to end our plight
Peace on earth, good news to all men
The King is born, salvation’s come

Oh, what a night, a holy night
The Saviour came to end our plight
Peace on earth, good news to all men
The King is born, salvation’s come

Now we sing of that holy night
the born Child who brought
the whole world His light
Oh, our Lord, forever adored
Born to save, our risen Lord

Now we sing of that holy night
The whole world was changed
by that early morn
Glory to God, the Angles sang
Peace and hope to every land

Oh, what a night, a holy night
The Saviour came to end our plight
Peace on earth, good news to all men
The King is born, salvation’s come
Oh what a holy night

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