It was all good, rosy, blissful and promising
With a tasteful lifestyle
So on one sunny day
With lots of kisses and laughters
As usual, with his family
Before leaving for his enviable daily business trips
His physical strength crumbled
His sweetheart of several long years
And his lovely children
Were gone in an accidental disaster
From the blackness of darkness
“Please help me”, he cried
With a broken voice
“Could this be real or it’s just a dream?”
A moment ago everything was great
And a moment after, everything was gone
Please tell me this is only a dream
and not a reality
His world fell apart and his
journey downward began
A once opulent lifestyle
Rapidly deteriorated to a beggarly one
Ravaged by misfortune and deadly health challenges
Resulting to an identity crisis of a recluse
Is not a thing to desire
As nothing seems left to desire to you
No, not a thing to live for anymore
The greatest friend ever known
the One who sticks closer than a brother
The Father of the fatherless
The mender of broken lives is here
The great Comfot, our Helper
The Healer, and Saviour
Lifter of the downcast
The Sanctifier, the Purifier, the Beautifier
The Lord is right where you are
He is healing you and restoring you
To a brand new life
The Lord is right where you are
He is healing you and restoring you
To a brand new life