I thank You for all You’ve done for me
And all that You gave to me
You loved me with Your life that You gave for me
Pardoned me abundantly
And multiplied Your grace in me
My life, You surrounded with Your miraculous name
Just like the Samaritan woman who went on her way
To fetch water, met Jesus at the well in Samaria
She went everywhere
Bearing good tidings of her most amazing encounter
With the Master Jesus
Who graciously with merciful kindness
Forgave her filthy past and sinful life
Gave her a new start with a brand new life
With great joy of life, she said to one and all she met
Oh, come and see the man who told me all I ever did
He’s done great things,
unquantifiable measures for me
He erased my past and changed my entire life
Now I drink from His well of life,
and I thirst no more
I thank You for all You’ve done for me
And all that You gave to me
You loved me with Your life that You gave for me
Pardoned me abundantly
And multiplied Your grace in me
My life, You surrounded with Your miraculous name
With my mouth, I’ll speak of Your wonders
With my lips, I’ll establish Your praise
And sing for joy to the whole world
Your grace and mercy found me
Your loving Word cleansed me
You are the Lord most glorious
And worthy to be praised
Holy and righteous are You, Most High God
You are the Lord most glorious
And worthy to be praised
Holy and righteous are You, Most High God
Thank the Lord with me
Let us bless His name together
We sing to You, oh Lord, with thanksgiving
You are great, and Your loving
kindness is larger than life
Your Word and loving counsel stand forever
And Your thoughts to all generations
Oh, come and see the man who told me all I ever did
He’s done great things,
unquantifiable measures for me
He erased my past and changed my entire life
Now I drink from His well of life,
and I thirst no more
Beautiful song indeed. Always moves me