Great is Your faithfulness towards me
Your loving kindness, Lord, I see
You’re the life that I live and all that I am
I bloom in Your warm embrace
Lord, You died and went to the grave
Conquered sin and death for me
You did all to ensure that I live evermore
You’re gracious, oh righteous God
Prince of peace
The shepherd of my soul
You’re my joy and peace in the storm
God of my praise, the horn of my salvation
You’re my strength, and You’re my delight
You planned my life from the start
Set me apart, justified and glorified
I’m so grateful for the gift of Your life in me
And for Your righteousness, Lord Jesus
Through me, You unfold Your greatness and love
And the hidden riches of Your glory, oh Lord
Lord, You made me Your delight
And holy as You are
I’m adorned with grace, in Your endless love
You’re merciful, holy God
Oh Lord, You made me great, by Your word
I can do all things through You
By Your Spirit, oh Lord, that strengthens me
You are so gracious, Lord
Prince of peace
The shepherd of my soul
You’re my joy and peace in the storm
God of my praise, the horn of my salvation
You’re my strength, and You’re my delight
You planned my life from the start
Set me apart, justified and glorified
I’m so grateful for the gift of Your life in me
And for Your righteousness, Lord Jesus
Through me, You unfold Your greatness and love
Oh Lord, You’ve been good to me
The law of life has made me free
From the law of sin and death
Faithful God
You uphold me in victory
You alone deserve my praise
The law of life has made me free
From the law of sin and death
Faithful God
You uphold me in victory
You alone deserve my praise
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