You’re the bread of life
That came from the heave above
Was broken for our sakes
That we may eat and not die
But live forever more
You’re the living water

Fountain of life
By which we are cleansed, refreshed, purified

That if we shall eat or drink deadly things
We shall not be hurt
We are vitalized and empowered from within
That if we shall take up serpents
We shall not be hurt

Fountain of life
By which we are cleansed, refreshed, purified

Glory be unto You
Christ our Lord and Saviour
You’re our ever increasing strength and vitality

A deathless race with divine health
You have made us oh Lord

We are glowing with Your beauty
The Christ life in us,
our divine immunity

Glory be unto You
Christ our Lord and Saviour
You’re our ever increasing strength and vitality

A deathless race with divine health
You have made us oh Lord

We are glowing with Your beauty
The Christ life in us,
our divine immunity

You’re glorious in majesty
We bow to You, mighty King
Holy and righteous God
You are the ever blossoming life in us

The kings and gods of this earth
In their greatest wisdom and finest elements
Are thrown into unapproachable darkness
By Your glorious light

With dominion over all the works of darkness
You reign through us
We are vitalized and empowered from within
That if we shall take up serpents
We shall not be hurt

Fountain of life
By which we are cleansed, refreshed, purified

Glory be unto You
Christ our Lord and Saviour
You’re our ever increasing strength and vitality

A deathless race with divine health
You have made us oh Lord

We are glowing with Your beauty
The Christ life in us,
our divine immunity

We’ve received abundance of grace
And the gift of Your righteousness
You’re alive in us
Every cell of our blood
Every fibre of our being

Hallelujah to You the King of glory
Your throne’s everlasting
To You be blessing and honour

Hallelujah to You, the God of justice
Your throne’s everlasting
To You be blessing and honour

Glory be unto You
Christ our Lord and Saviour
You’re our ever increasing strength and vitality

A deathless race with divine health
You have made us oh Lord

We are glowing with Your beauty
The Christ life in us,
our divine immunity

Glory be unto You
Christ our Lord and Saviour
You’re our ever increasing strength and vitality

A deathless race with divine health
You have made us oh Lord

We are glowing with Your beauty
The Christ life in us,
our divine immunity

We are glowing with Your beauty
The Christ life in us,
our divine immunity

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