Precious Jesus
Mighty God
Lord I yield to Your holy word
Let Your will be done
Not what I want but what You want
Not what I feel but what You’ve said
Let Your will be done
Every song on this platform takes you through a journey of transformation
Precious Jesus
Mighty God
Lord I yield to Your holy word
Let Your will be done
Not what I want but what You want
Not what I feel but what You’ve said
Let Your will be done
Lord I thank You for Your blood you shed for me
Lord I thank You for Your protection and Your love
Lord I thank You there is no one else like You
Lord I thank You there is no one else like You
Father we love You
We lift Your name on high
Father we praise You
You made us Your glory
And my deepest
Deep meditation is about You
And my deepest
Deep meditation is about You Lord
Praise the Lord oh ye nations
Extol Him all ye people
For great is His steadfast Love and grace
His faithfulness is sure
I sing to YouMy sovereign KingYou are Lord of allSeated on the throneI praise Your nameFor You are greatKing upon the throneTo You all praise belong HallelujahHallelujah Alpha and OmegaThat’s … Read More
I sing praises to Your Holy name
There’s nothing You can’t do
Powerful God
Your love is new every morningYour goodness and Your mercy over whelmingI testify of your loving kindnessThank You for Your love and Your grace Your love is new every morningYour … Read More
God of Wonders God of Miracles
We declare the honor of Your mighty Name
We sing forth Your glorious praise Oh Lord
In You we find every pleasure and delight
God of Wonders God of Miracles
Your name is the ultimate authority
On earth and in heaven
Your name has supreme authority
Above every name
Lord Jesus
Maker of heaven and earth
Lord Jesus
All creation bow before You
Dear Lord Jesus
You are the Lord of lords
Nothing is impossible with You
The winds and the seas obey You
Demons flee at the mention of Your name
You are a wonder
Lord Jesus
Lord Jesus
Lord Jesus
Lord Jesus
I worship You
Lord, You are awesomeLord, You are awesomeOh Lord, You are good to me Lord, You are awesomeLord, You are awesomeOh Lord, You are good to me Praises to Your NamePraises … Read More
Are you searching for life of peace from deep inside
You may have everything you love
But inside it all you still like
There is something missing in your life
He’s calling you today
You better listen to your heart
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not wantHe gives me peace in the midst of the stormHis loving kindness knows no endHis tender mercy is till the end And … Read More
Everything You do is goodYou are GodYou are God aloneEverything You do is goodYou are GodYou are God alone You have the final WordFinal Word, Final WordYour Word is Yea … Read More
We lift our voice to You Great GodWith a shout of praise and worshipTo You GodYou’re so faithful We sing praiseWe sing praiseWe sing praiseTo You great God Our God … Read More