Shout unto the Lord with the voice of triumph
and let His praise be in your mouth,
Sing with a loud voice because He is absolutely good..
uh uh yeah, we give You glory Lord, uh uh Hallelujah!
Absolutely good, absolutely kind,
Lord You are wonderful
Yes, You are wonderful
Absolutely good, absolutely kind,
Lord You are wonderful
Yes, You are wonderful
There is nothing, no way no one
can take me from Your love
Absolutely good
Absolutely good, absolutely kind,
Lord You are wonderful
Lord You are wonderful
There is nothing, no way no one
can take me from Your love
Absolutely good
You are good, good, You are kind, kind
Jesus You are good to me, good
You are absolutely kind, kind
I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken, good
Nor his sons begging bread, kind
You have been marvelous to us Jesus, good
That’s why we raise our voice to You, we say, kind
You’re good, good, Yes, You’re kind, kind
Lift up your voice say You are good, good
Lift us your hands sayyy, good
Oh you’re good, good, You’re kind, kind
Yes, You are good, You are kind, kind
There is nothing, no way no one
can take me from Your love
Absolutely good
You are absolutely good, no way no one
can take me from Your love
Absolutely good
There is nothing, no way no one
can take us from Your love
Absolutely good