Words, You breathed,
And worlds were created
The word of Your breath
Is the life of all things
Awesome creator
Your word can not be stopped
Your power’s limitless anywhere, anytime
Your word knows no bounds
Oh God of all truth
Your word is eternal
And can do anything
Your word is the binding force of all things
The foundation of all creation
Your word is quick and powerful
Sharper than any two-edged sword
It is effective everywhere
By Your word, all things are possible
When we pass through the fire
We shall not be burnt
We pass through the waters
We shall not drown
In You, we live and have our being
By Your word, we possess nations
And inhabit desolate places
By Your word, we can do anything
Your word is the binding force of all things
The foundation of all creation
Your word is quick and powerful
Sharper than any two-edged sword
It is effective everywhere
By Your word, all things are possible
The lines are fallen unto
Us in pleasant places
And our coast, You’ve enlarged
Our brilliance is greatly enhanced by Your word
In You we can do anything
By Your word, Lord, anything is possible